Fumigation Covers
THOR Tarp Termite Fumigation Department
Professional Quality Fumigation and Termite Protection
-Tent Fumigation
-Subterranean/Formosan Termites
-Soil Poisoning (Construction Industry)
Fumigation generally involves the following phases: First the area intended to be fumigated is covered to create a sealed environment; next the fumigant is released into the space to be fumigated; then, the space is held for a set period while the fumigant gas percolates through the space and acts on and kills any infestation in the product, next the space is ventilated so that the gases are allowed to escape from the space, and render it safe for humans to enter.
In structural fumigation, a ThoroShield 1050* tent is placed over the entire house while the pesticides are being released into the vacant residence. This process is called tent fumigation or "tenting". The sealed tent concentrates the poisonous gases and prevents them from escaping into the neighborhood.
* 10 ounce coated vinyl fabric with dual stitched hems and 1-1/2" thermal welded seams, no grommets

info@eTarp.com • PO Box 35 • Curtis, MI 49820-0035
1-888-ODIN-INC (1-888-634-6462) • 262-569-7171 • 800-835-8467
(Solicitation calls will Not be accepted)